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  • Writer's pictureDorothy

Repertoire Finalised + Resource Ideas

After many more listenings, I have been able to finalise my repertoire choices for my Unit of Work.

Drumroll please....

The focused work with be 'Rush' - Matthew Hindson.

Creating resources is a major part of this assignment and over the past few days, I have been really pondering over the type of resources that I want to create.

I found a report discussing digital education for students in the 21st century ( that talked about different forms of resources.

Under 4.1 Improved learning outcomes from high quality learning environments, there is a table which lists different digital technologies as well as the learning outcome and strategy it is related to. It also briefly goes through some key principles that I believe are important. After having a look through some of these digital technologies, I had a few ideas that I am considering for my resources:

- Open content e-book

- Online Classroom Blog (Not a personal blog; I want all the students and teacher to have access to the same blog. My idea is for resources to be able on the blog (like this one itself) and for students to upload and write their own blog posts so that all the knowledge and information is shared with everyone. Being in their final year of high school education, I believe that it is important for students to work together, share ideas and knowledge, give peer feedback and learn from one another to achieve to their fullest potential. The teacher is also able to read all the students posts and comment/mark? if necessary. Student centred learning, which was a principle stated in the report above and one that I truly believe in is therefore quite prominent. Students will also have access to this blog at all times.)

- Composition portfolio (My hopes is that having all the composition tasks, processes and ideas all in one place will aid in their final core composition. It can also give them ideas for their own composition portfolio which is compulsory for their core composition)

- General resources; dictation, sight singing, concepts of music, past exam papers/questions

- Online content (already developed) e.g. Auralia

These are my ideas so far and I am still thinking if there are any other sort of innovative resource method that will be the most beneficial to students (and the teacher!)

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